Make your choice - the time is running out

Make your choice - the time is running out

You are a soul. When your body dies, you only take with you the level of your soul that you have reached. Your soul has no nationality, no religion, no political affiliation, no bank account, no social status. Free your soul and help other souls to free themselves, awaken and unite.

An engraving with an open book and seven lampstands contained in the bookSince ancient times, various religions of different nations have spoken of a mysterious book. Ancient drawings and engravings have been preserved, symbolically depicting God, an open book and seven lampstands contained in the book. It is this book that is mentioned in the fifth chapter of “The Revelation of John the Theologian” as the book with seven seals. For thousands of years, no one knew what exactly was contained in this book, but people knew that it was sealed with seven seals and that it would be revealed at the end of time before the “Day of Judgment”. Now the prophecy has come true, and the book was revealed at the end of 2019 in Russia, in the Caucasus. There are seven tables of numbers in the book. Check the contents of this book by carefully studying the  structure of the seven sacred which were called “the seven golden lampstands” in ancient times. The book was revealed to humanity as a gift, so that everyone can independently see the clear evidence from God and read the Message addressed to humanity.

The Temple not made by human hands

In 2021, the Temple not made by human hands was built from the tables. From that moment on, the countdown to the imminent arrival of the Messenger began. In 2023, the eight-pointed star manifested itself in the tables. With its manifestation, an ancient prophecy about the transition of our civilization from the old world to the new one began to come true. Nine cycles of apprenticeship - nine civilisations have passed in which your soul lived from life to life, experiencing light and darkness. There have been several cataclysms through which these civilizations perished as soon as the spiritual level of people fell critically behind the technological level. And now we are at the end of the ninth (last) cycle.

With the revelation of the book, the exam time has begun, the time of the final test for every soul and the entire civilisation. Recognise the importance of this time. Don’t wait for the servants of different religions to recognise the Temple or to see in the eight-pointed star the sign of the beginning of the transition to a new world. Many of them will not even recognise the Messenger of God. They still have not built a single temple in honour of the Almighty but name the temples in honour of people. The representatives of the Islamic faith have still not fulfilled the commandment of the Prophet Muhammad about a united Ummah for the Muslims. The Christians are still idolaters who worship icons, painted images and a wooden figure on the cross. The Jews are still waiting for the coming Messiah who will throw the other nations at their feet. In Buddhism and Hinduism many “deities” and near-spiritual practices have been invented. Moreover, the servants of different religions have placed symbols over the places of worship. They have invented the name, lineage and appearance of the coming Messenger so that people would not recognise the true Messenger when he arrives.

During the final test, everyone must make their OWN choice with their OWN mind and their OWN conscience. The conscience is the voice of God in every human being. 

Read the first chapters of this book carefully before you decide, out of curiosity, to look at the tables first. Without dealing with the sense of the message, you won't be able to recognise the Gift of God and understand his purpose of revealing the prophesied book to our world. This book was not written by Aslan Uarziaty, but THROUGH him, for you and for the whole world. There is nothing more important now than the awakening of the majority of people to unification and solidarity in order to save our world and create a creative future for our children.

God does not interfere in the choice of a soul, but gives everyone the right to make a free choice.


   «What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?» (James 2:14) «You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless?» (James 2:19-20).
«Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father..." (Matthew 7:21)
Believers, "it is they who race to do good deeds, always taking the lead." (Sura "Al-Mu'minun", 23:61 (Qur'an)
«You shall love your neighbour as yourself» (Wajikra, 19:18 (Torah))
”Do your duty, for action is truly better than inaction”. (Bhagavad-Gita 3.8)

For centuries, the inhumans managed to enslave the peoples and involve them in wars through the indifference of most people towards each other. During their reincarnations, some souls have remained on the level of dead souls. That is their choice. They degraded from life to life and turned into humanoid biorobots who are unable to think independently but live according to the programmes given to them by society. But many indifferent people still have enough light in their souls to awaken in time and become human. There is a chance to save these souls by encouraging them to independently analyse what is happening and expand their consciousness. This is the only reason why the event referred to in the religious scriptures as the “Day of Judgement” is still being postponed. The main task of the bright souls is to help the sleeping souls to awaken. Try to awaken others, but do not impose your opinion on them to respect people's right to make a free decision.

If the souls of the majority wake up and love for children becomes stronger than indifference, then our world will begin to change for the better without chaos and conflict with the authorities, and Judgement Day will be a joy. Don't see it as a waste of time and energy to awake others, but a happiness to accomplish a spiritual feat. Isn’t it a joy to save the souls of others and the world? Out of love for your fellow human beings, out of love for animals and plants, out of love for our planet.

The inhumans know that they won't be able to incarnate in the new world, which means that their souls will crumble to dust. That’s why they are trying now to involve countries in a big war. They are trying to destroy the world through governments they control, through corrupt media, through technologies, provoking natural disasters and through spreading of epidemics created in secret laboratories. But their influence decreases day by day, and the strength of bright souls increases. This gives humanity a greater chance to unite  through the Gift of God, removing the collar of slavery. But to free governments from scoundrels, the unity of the majority of citizens in each country is needed. There is also a need for the unity of honest politicians in the governments and the unity of true priests.

It is necessary to stop military conflicts in all regions between all nations.

Tell other people about the fulfilled prophecy – the revealed book in which the Gift of God for the unification of humanity is unveiled. The manifested proof of the One God for all peoples is stronger than any disagreement, and therefore only it will unite people of different religions and nationalities.There is not and will not be a single person capable of becoming a leader who will unite peoples, for a person can be punished, intimidated, imprisoned and killed, but true faith in the One God cannot be destroyed. Therefore, it’s true faith that can unite all people. This is the Gift of God for the unification against disunity, pride and envy and against a small group of inhumans who are leading our world towards a great war and enslavement, giving people the status of cattle through microchipping.

The Matrix of the Divine Programme always accepts the choice of the majority. The fate of the world is therefore determined by the majority. If most people unite with each other, the world will be liberated without chaos and without conflicts with the authorities. Then our civilisation will reach a new level of development. However, if most people continue to behave indifferently towards each other, disagree, get involved in wars and mindlessly carry out the orders of their “superiors” for money, out of fear, under duress or out of indifference to others, then this will be the choice of the majority. It will lead our world to destruction.

Governments already understand that they are at an impasse, but they continue to submit to a small group of inhumans who incite sedition and wars. I advise them not to lose their last chance to wake up.

Many bloggers are already beginning to understand that humanity itself is causing natural disasters and the Third World War. Tell people on your channels about the Gift of God, become messengers, and through you hundreds of millions of people around the world will hear about the fulfilled prophecy.

Thousands of preachers of all religions begin to understand that Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, China and Taiwan and other warring parties are the firewood to ignite World War III. Stand between the opposing machine guns and ask the soldiers to return to their homes. The soldiers will obey you because they recognise true clergymen in your actions.

Humanity has split into political parties, religions and even denominations within religions. The global internet network is being used to divide us into information platforms of thousands of bloggers and channels. Hundreds of large organisations claiming to know how to save our world are sponsored, but the real aim of all these organisations is to divide people into groups. And there is less and less time left to free ourselves from the power of the inhumans without giving them the opportunity to bring our world to the point of no return.

In one person the darkness predominates, in the other the light. If you side with the light, the darkness will become weaker and weaker and gradually disappear. Those who are seduced by the desires of darkness do not develop their souls. This is what Jesus meant when he spoke about ungerminated grains. The souls of these people will crumble to dust on Judgement Day. Jesus spoke about this in the parable about the fig tree that bears no fruit.

Most people have a kind of “wall”. Overcoming it lies in the potential of spiritual development when a person chooses the side of light through actions and not with empty words. Only then does a human being grow into a child of God. Otherwise, one remains an “ungerminated grain”. An unawakened person does not analyse for himself what is happening around him and in the world. He does not question orders but carries them out. He is apolitical without realising that politics does not begin in government. Politics is the result of a political or apolitical society. Such a person has not grown up to his/her own conclusion and his own actions but accepts as truth what is said by a preacher of a church, a synagogue, a mosque, by a scientist, a teacher, a politician, a blogger, etc. and takes the opinion of others as his own because he/she believes everything that is said or written in “official” sources.

The prophecies of various religions of different nations have already been fulfilled. It was predicted that the book would be opened before the Day of Judgement and the beginning of the new world. This prediction has been fulfilled. It was said that the eight-pointed sun sign signifies the end of the old world and the beginning of the new world. This sign was revealed in the book. There was a prediction that before the Day of Judgement, vegetation would return to the Arab lands and rivers would flow. This prediction also came true. And many other prophecies have come true. But most people have still not turned to the Almighty and read the book, even though they consider themselves believers.

You have been given the advice of Jesus who said to follow the man carrying a jug of water, for he will lead you to the house (Luke 22:10). The jug of water signifies the Age of Aquarius. The house in which Jesus will receive the worthy means the new world. The Prophet Muhammad also said that he would meet with the worthy by the water (Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad 8:3792), which also indicates the Age of Aquarius.

Don't wait inactively for the Messenger with prayers in the hope that he will come and save you but try to manage to awaken most people in time for his coming, because the result on the Day of Judgement will correspond to the level of the entire world. Some souls will crumble to dust, but others will enter the new world, passing from the temporal to the eternal.

It has been said that the book will be opened by the “slain lamb”. Churchmen have called Jesus the slain lamb so that you will not hear the “man carrying a jug of water”. Since ancient times, the head of a slain lamb has been served on a platter at the table for the chief of those who sat at the table. Don't you know whose head was served to Herod on a platter? Read about it in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 14), of Mark (chapter 6) and of Luke (chapter 9).

The Messenger will not show himself through miracles, but through his SPEECHES. The time of apprenticeship for your souls is over. During the exam time, EVERYONE must recognise the essentials and put aside pride, vanity, envy and strife. You should listen with your mind and your heart to be able to distinguish the true Messenger from the false. As soon as he shows his power, the Day of Judgement will come for the living and the dead. Then it will be too late to recognise him, too late to regret your inaction. 

So, wake up now and start acting: Read this book carefully and then look at the structure of the tables. Try to create your first magic square from two-digit numbers. Connect the same digits or the number keys in the subsections of the table and see for yourself how the eight-pointed star manifests. This will free your consciousness from illusions and programmes imposed by society, as beneficial frequencies emerge from the numbers in the tables. Numbers can be understood by everyone in any country and in any language.

The final battle between light and darkness for the unawakened souls continues. However, the battle does NOT mean resisting the authorities, thieves and tyrants, but the awakening of the majority to unification through the Gift of God. Make your decision through the voice of God – your conscience. And remember: someone who cares only for his own soul is indifferent to others.  Your salvation lies in the souls of the people you are trying to awaken.

Once again briefly about the aim with the revelation of the book:

God gives a helping hand to people through His Gift - the promised book with the seven golden lampstands to:

  • help us, through the Divine Frequencies of the numbers in the tables, to free ourselves from illusions, delusions, fears, lies and hatred imposed by society;
  • help us gain inner strength and faith through the contact with the Divine Frequencies of the lampstands;
  • help us realise that God's help does NOT mean that He will fulfil our hopes and expectations, and do everything for us, just because we believe in Him and pray to Him. No! We must save our world with our OWN hands by uniting with each other.
The fate of the world is in the hands of humanity. 
The strength of humanity lies in the unity of the majority. 
Our future therefore depends on the choice and decision of the majority.

Send this book to your acquaintances, family, friends and colleagues and share this information on social media. Translate this book into a language you know so that people who don't know the languages it has already been translated into can also read it.