The Fulfilled Prophecies of Various Religions About the End Times

The scroll with seven seals is revealedAlmost all the signs that have been given to various nations as a warning of the dawn of the end times for our civilisation have come true. At different times, different religions or prophets on different continents have left information with essentially the same purpose: to give clear signs and indications of the approach of the end times so that people can recognise this time and prepare themselves. Many of these predictions are literally being fulfilled before our very eyes right now.

The further we delve into the incredible predictions that have already realised and continue to happen, the greater this mystery becomes. For a reasonable person, it's obvious that such a number of facts, signs and events that have occurred in parallel or in succession in recent years cannot be a coincidence.

Let's briefly list at least the main ones before going into detail about the most important prophecy that was fulfilled at the end of 2019, informing humanity of what everyone must do to prevent the destruction of our current civilisation and move on to a new cycle.

Believers in prayersIt was predicted that most people would ignore the prophecies about the end times. The Day of Judgement will surprise many - it will come "like a thief in the night". Why is that? Because the passive and apathetic waiting for salvation from above in useless prayers and hopes for God, Allah, Buddha etc. has been proclaimed and announced by almost all religions, denominations and religious sects for many centuries. And most people continue to be inactive and live in illusions, with useless prayers and hopes for salvation and liberation.

MeditationsEsotericists and spiritualists are blathering about the imminent quantum transition, putting other people to sleep as well. They are giving people false information and urging them to calm down and concentrate on the development of their souls and near-spiritual practices while the world continues to roll towards the abyss and will soon reach the point of no return, and this will affect everyone. 

However, indications of what needs to be done can be found in all sacred texts of all religions if you read and analyse them carefully. For it has been said: "Faith without deeds is useless" (James 2:19-20). 

It also has been said: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord! Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven" (Matthew 7:21).

The Qur'an has given a hint: " is these who hasten to do good works and vie in so doing with one another" (Sura "Al-Mu'minun", 23:61 (Qur'an)). And the Hinduists were also told: "Do your duty, for action is truly better than inaction" (Bhagavad-Gita 3.8).

In the history of our civilisation, there have always been wars, epidemics and natural disasters, and many people have seen them as signs of the end of the world. But the world never ended, life went on and people's vigilance waned over time.

But not once in the history of our civilisation has the most important prophecy been fulfilled. Not once has there been a simultaneous coincidence of a series of incredible facts, mentioned in different religions and nations, which have happened or are still happening before our eyes. 

Prophecies of Judaism

  • In September 2018, a red calf was born in Israel.
  • In early October of the same year, renowned photographer Noam Bedein published sensational images proving the presence of live fish in the waters of the Dead Sea, something that had not been seen for thousands of years.
  • A month later, tourists were surprised to see a snake chasing a pigeon at the Wailing Wall. 
All these events are described in the Torah as harbingers of the Apocalypse and the approaching Day of Judgement.

Prophecies of Islam

Blooming Arabian DesertThe Messenger of Allah said: "The Last Hour will not come... until the land of Arabia reverts to meadows and rivers." (Sahih Muslim 157C. Book 5, Hadith 2208). The most unbelievable thing that has already happened is that the Arabian desert blossomed and rivers flowed through it.

Competition in building tall housesOther signs of the approaching end times have also been fulfilled, which has never happened before:

  • Competition in building tall houses;
  • the convergence of markets and the increase in trade.

Abu Hureirah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said "Verily, the years of deceit will come when the liars will be believed and the truthful will not be believed, when the traitors will be trusted and the trustworthy will be suspected of treachery, when the word will be with the wretched little men, the fools, who will be in charge of the affairs of the nation" (Sunan Ibn Mājah 4036).

Abdullah b. 'Amr: "Among the signs of the Hour of Judgement is that the worst people will be exalted and the best will be humiliated" (al-Dani and al-Hakim).

Umar b. al-Khattab: "The Arabs will perish when they will prosper.... This will happen when the sinners among them triumph over the pious and when the hypocrites are at the head of a large tribe" (al-Dani).

The prophecies of Christianity

in many respects coincide with those of Islam. 

Both religions predicted increasing and more frequent military conflicts, food shortages, severe earthquakes and epidemics. It was said that people would become selfish, greedy for money, disobedient to parents, without devotion, without natural affection, addicted to pleasure but not loving God.

Horsemen of the apocalypseAt the beginning of 2020, the world was shaken by the news of the coronavirus, but few saw this event as a sign of the first horseman of the apocalypse: "And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him..." Only a few saw the sharp arrows of the horseman in the worldwide vaccination.

The Foretold Book

Very few people pay attention to another important prophecy, which is found in the fifth chapter of Revelation. But it is the lever for all the following prophecies of the Apocalypse, and these prophecies, which are fulfilled one after the other, are directly related to everything that has happened in recent years.

Revelation 5: "And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals.

Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to lose its seals?”

The slain lamb with the scrollAnd no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it.

So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it.

And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain.

Then he came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne".

What is this book that the Apostle John saw in the right hand of the one who "sits on the throne"? How do we know what is written in the book if no one "in heaven, on earth or under the earth" could open the book or look inside it? What is the significance of the seven seals and the seven golden lampstands mentioned in Revelation?

At the end of 2019, an unusual book was published in Russia, in the Caucasus. The very first lines indicate that it is the book mentioned in the fifth chapter of the Revelation of the Apostle John. The book tells of the opening of the seven seals, the revelation of the mystery of the seven golden lampstands and many other miracles that bring together fragments of information from different religions of different peoples in a multi-layered puzzle. The book is narrated in the name of the returned forerunner of the Messiah and states that the message of the book should be conveyed to every living person, regardless of their social status, political, national, territorial, religious affiliation and level of education. The evidence contained in the book is also intended for atheists.

The book says that EVERY PERSON must examine the contents of the book for themselves to convince themselves and draw their own conclusion that this is the FORETOLD BOOK that is revealed to the whole world in the end times. The book reveals the secrets of the sacred symbols that have been worshipped by different peoples since ancient times so that everyone can recognise them and thus understand that this message is not only addressed to Christians but to all people on Earth. However, despite numerous interpretations of the symbols of the six-pointed and eight-pointed star and the equilateral cross, nobody knew exactly where they came from and what they actually meant. 

All these symbols, their meaning, their connection with the seven lampstands from the Apocalypse, their connection with the holy Kaaba for Muslims and many other miracles are revealed in the book.

The book contains an important message to humanity about what everyone must do to prepare for the imminent arrival of the Messenger and the Day of Judgement. 

A related video: 

The Prophecies About the End Times Have Come True. The Revealed Book of the Apocalypse

We interviewed the man who revealed the book. In the book, he provides evidence of who was destined to reveal the book at the end of time and why. His name is Aslan Uarziaty. Let's read what he says about the book and what was revealed to him, why through him: 

An Appeal from the Messiah's Forerunner to all Peoples of the World - Book 198 (

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