In 2019 a predicted book was revealed. Since then the exam for every soul and for the whole world has begun. Now the arrival of God’s Messenger is imminent. His coming will end the exam time and will open the Day of Judgment. Each one should wake up and help others around to wake up because the future of our world depends on the awakening and unification of the majority. Learn the information, read the book (it is for free) and take action!

About the Book "A Message"

At the end of 2019, an unusual book was published in Russia. The book has been reissued several times. The original version was entitled “Nine – the Queen of Numbers”, later it is changed into “A Message”. In 2024 the second part of the book "Time of Unity" was released. 

The book is translated from Russian into many languages.

The first part of the book describes: 

  • What time we are living in now and what actions we must take to prepare our souls for the day mentioned in the religious Scriptures as the "Day of Judgment".
  • The secret of the system for creating tables of numbers, the structure of which is comparable to the order in DNA. The numbers in these tables represent frequencies and vibrations of the coming world. They are given to help people cleanse their consciousness, freeing them from the illusionary programs implanted by society through systems like education, media, etc. On the next stage (when humanity reaches a certain spiritual level), these tables will reveal their secrets in the form of new creative technologies.
  • The secret of the ancient calendars of the Maya, Slavs, Persians, Kazakhs, and Chinese. All of these ancient calendars trace back to a single source. The book details how in certain ancient calendars of different peoples, the same book was encoded. 
  • Decoding of a “crop circle”, which appeared in England in 2006 and represents an open book of numbers. The appearance of this drawing on the field gave humanity a hint about the upcoming revelation of the content of the most mysterious book, which has been a secret for centuries.
  • The principle of the “fulcrum” mechanism – a flying object that may only be constructed through the collective efforts of different countries. This mechanism will allow for the smooth regulation of Earth's position by following the geomagnetic field which is recently shifting and weakening. It will also help to reduce natural cataclysms, which in recent years have been increasingly intensifying and occurring more frequently across various parts of the Earth.
  • Revealing the mystery of the origin of the sacred cube "Kaaba" in Mecca, the Islamic symbol Rub-al-Hizb, and the secret origin of the eight-pointed star, the six-pointed star, and the equilateral cross – ancient solar symbols of various nations. The book uses one example to show how these signs are drawn through numbers and keys, and this process occurs in each subsection of every table.

The second part of the book

  • describes two periods in our civilization – the period of many years of learning for each soul, and the period of the exam time, when each person must make a personal choice regarding the future of their soul before the Day of Judgment. The future of the whole civilization will depend on the choice of the majority;
  • reveals the true mission of the messengers from above – Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and others – who came at different times to different peoples, to purify and restore the universal teaching for all nations from distortions after minor and major cataclysms;
  • provides an understanding of love, conscience, and reason, by listening to which every person can learn to distinguish the true from the false, can learn to analyze and form their own opinion, in order to make a conscious choice based on their own decision.
  • speaks of the rules that can protect any society. These rules concern the people and the government, personnel policy, the judicial system, the education sector, the economy and finance, and the food and agricultural industries;
  • gives examples of the purification of some sacred scriptures of different religions from added distortions: the Bible, the Quran, the three books of the Tanakh (Jewish Bible), certain parts of the "Zohar" (which is part of the Kabbalistic teachings), and some Buddhist postulates.

The content of the first part of the book and the ancient symbols

A direct mention of the book has been preserved only in the text of the last part of the New Testament of the Bible – in the "Revelation of John". In other religions, cultures, and peoples, only echoes of the knowledge about the content of the book have been preserved.
Assumed ways of migration of carriers of the symbolism of the 8-pointed star from Eurasia to America and New Zealand and the most ancient areas of use of the symbol: 1 - Central Asia; 2 - Ecuador, Colombia; 3 - Interfluves; 4 - Mexico; 5 - New Zealand; 6 - South-Eastern and Eastern China. Black stars without numbers designate regions of direct and indirect distribution of the 8-pointed star from the Middle Ages.

The symbol of the eight-pointed star can be found among culturally very different peoples on all continents of the world: in Eurasia, North and South America, Africa, Australia and Oceania.

The symbol of the seven lampstands is not only found in Judaism and Orthodoxy, but also in the Bronze and Iron Age cultures of Palestine, Syria and the Egeids.

The symbol of the six-pointed star was widespread in the Bronze Age (end of the 4th to beginning of the 3rd millennium BC) in a large area: from India to the Middle East. In the Islamic tradition, the most important Muslim shrine, the Kaaba in Mecca, is traditionally covered with a silk cloth depicting six-pointed stars. Only in the Middle Ages was the six-pointed star became associated with Jewish religious tradition, with the hexagram occurring much more often in medieval Arabic books than in Jewish mystical works.

The symbol of the equilateral cross. The study of our planet's pre-Christian archaeological past leads to a surprising conclusion: in practically all ancient cultures, people depicted an equilateral cross, which was a sacred sign for them. The cross was adopted by Christians in the 4th century AD, who lengthened its base and changed its ancient solar meaning to the instrument of Jesus' death. The cross with an elongated base was  also the instrument of execution for criminals in the Roman Empire. 

The symbol of the cube was a single symbol of the temple for Slavs, Arabs, Aramaeans and ancient Jews.

In the first chapter of the book reference is made to the fifth chapter of the “Revelation of John” and specifically to the book which the apostle John saw in the right hand of the Seated on the throne. The book appeared to John in the form of a scroll of parchment written on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 
5:1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals.
5:2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?”
5:3. But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it.
5:4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside.
5:5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
5:6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. (Revelation 5)
Interpreters of the „Revelation“ associate this image with the image of Jesus (the Lamb of God), but according to the canonical text of the New Testament, Jesus was not slained. His Precursor, John the Baptist, was slained (i. e. beheaded). John's head, like the head of a slained lamb, was brought as a dish to the table at Herod’s command. Read about it in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 14), of Mark (chapter 6) and of Luke (chapter 9).
„Then an opportune day came when Herod on his birthday gave a feast for his nobles, the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee. And when Herodias’ daughter herself came in and danced, and pleased Herod and those who sat with him, the king said to the girl, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.” He also swore to her, “Whatever you ask me, I will give you, up to half my kingdom.” (Mark 6: 21-23).  So she went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask?” And she said, “The head of John the Baptist!”. Immediately she came in with haste to the king and asked, saying, “I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter…“  (Source: Mark 6 NKJV - Bible Gateway)

The narrative of the book „A Message” was written in the name of the returned Precursor of the Messiah. The revelation of the book means the end of the apprenticeship and the beginning of the exam time for every soul and for the entire civilization, which takes place at the end of a complete cycle of a civilization.

The message of the book and the fulfilled prophecies of the Last Days

Readers are invited to analyze, to study on their own the given "Gift from Above" through the opened book and fulfill the Creator's message to humanity. This message calls for helping one another by awakening and uniting, thereby saving not only their own souls - for going into eternity as a result of the Day of Judgment - but also saving the whole of civilisation and transitioning into a new constructive and creative cycle of development. The events described in the sacred scriptures of various peoples as precursors to the Day of Judgment serve as signs to help humanity recognize the arrival of the End Times. These events are not a predetermined scenario but rather an accelerator of the process of awakening and purification of humanity. 

As humanity awakens and is purified by new frequencies and vibrations coming from the revealed number tables, the events described in the sacred scriptures of various nations as events before the Day of Judgement will be averted. In Revelation, for example, it’s the appearance of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the intensification onatural disasters, the escalation of minor conflicts into a world war, a global cataclysm, etc. According to the author, some events have already happened. For example, the first Horseman of the Apocalypse already appeared in 2020/2021: the crowned (virus with crown) archer (vaccination):     

Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.” (Rev. 6: 1-2).

Another event that is mentioned is the greening of the Arabian Desert (The Greening of the Sahara: Past Changes and Future Implications - ScienceDirect). Many other prophecies are also coming true or have already been fulfilled.

According to both the Bible and Muslim holy traditions, the Day of Judgment will come so suddenly and unexpectedly for many people that it will be too late to see clearly or to try to change anything. The wisdom of hiding this time lies in the constant readiness of people, in the growth of the consciousness and the level of the soul. 

The following is said in the Sunnah: 

"The Hour will not be established till the sun rises from the west, and when it rises (from the west) and the people see it, then all of them will believe (in Allah). But that will be the time when 'No good it will do to a soul to believe then. If it believed not before.."' (6.158) The Hour will be established (so suddenly) that two persons spreading a garment between them will not be able to finish their bargain, nor will they be able to fold it up. The Hour will be established while a man is carrying the milk of his she-camel, but cannot drink it; and the Hour will be established when someone is not able to prepare the tank to water his livestock from it; and the Hour will be established when some of you has raised his food to his mouth but cannot eat it." (Sahih al-Bukhari 6506, Book 81, Hadith 95)

 In a Bible text: 

„And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.“… (Source: Luke 17,26 - 30 NKJV - Bible Gateway).

However, according to A. Uarziaty, the doomsday scenario can be avoided if the world manages to purify itself in time through the gift of God and a sufficient majority manages to unite before the coming of the Messenger of God. This time he does not come to teach, but to judge the world and the soul of everyone according to their level. 

The period from the revealing the book to the Day of Judgment is referred to in the book as “exam time”. During this time, each soul must make its own decision whether to side with the light or with the darkness. The “side of the darkness” means indifference to the environment and fellow human beings, carrying out the orders of authority figures without attempting to make an independent analysis of what is happening, the inability to think for yourself and make decisions as well as the disunity and inaction. The “side of the light” means love for fellow human beings, uniting all people despite different political views, religious orientations, nationalities and other differences.

A. Uarziaty appeals to the clergy and urges them to unite the parishes and tell them about the prophecy that came true. Everyone should be given the opportunity to look into the opened book to see for themselves that it contains the proof of God, so that the peoples may unite in their faith in God and fulfil His will message. A. Uarziaty regrets that politicians, the media and bloggers don’t utter a single word about this message. Even the priests or pastors turn away from the book and instead call on the peoples to passive prayers, inaction and humility in the face of the approaching abyss.

Systematic (base) Tables and Magic Squares

The main part of the book contains a description of system tables (base tables), which have the property of being converted into magic squares.

An example of one table from the book "A Message" to the left, created by using the three main keys (1-4-7, 2-5-8, 3-6-9 in different combinations).

According to A. Uarziaty, these seven sacred tables were the content of the Scroll with Seven Seals, of which no one „in heaven or on earth or under the earth“ (Rev. 5: 3) could know until the book was opened by the “slain lamb”. The system tables were symbolically represented in ancient engravings as golden lampstands. In the engraving to the right, the lampstands protrude from an open book held in the hands of “him who sat on the throne”.
The basic rules for creating systematic tables are explained by the author in a separate chapter.  A. Uarziaty emphasises several times that the tables and the rules for creating the systematic tables, as well as the knowledge of the properties of the keys with the help of which these tables are formed, were given to him from Above, and he had been waiting for this reveal for many years, not knowing what exactly would be revealed. This information is offered to the world at the end of time as the outstretched hand of the Almighty to help people - through purification and accepting the gift from Him - to unite before the abyss, to save civilisation from destruction and to pass into a new world with a majority.
Each subsection of each table by both the digits and the keys "drawns" an eight-pointed star symbol.

Manifestation of the eight-pointed star through the same digits (1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3 etc.)

Manifestation of the eight-pointed star through the main keys 1-4-7, 2-5-8, 3-6-9

The Magic Square Luo Shu

The first table has been known to our world for several thousand years from a Chinese legend about a tortoise with a magic square of nine digits drawn on its shell. 

This square is known as the Lo Shu Square and has had a profound influence on the development of Chinese culture and philosophical thought. For many centuries, it has been used not only as a tool for harmonizing spaces but also as a key instrument for managing the flow of Qi energy. The Lo Shu Square served as the foundation for Chinese Taoist philosophy, Feng Shui practice, numerology, and much more.  

However, in four thousand years it never occurred to anyone to combine the numbers in Lo Shu Square in such a way as to reveal three of the oldest solar symbols: the equilateral cross, the six-pointed star, and the eight-pointed star. Throughout these long millennia, no one has succeeded in constructing a square of two-digit numbers based on the principles defined by the Lo Shu Square. This indicates that this secret is destined to be revealed only at the appointed time.

The remaining seven tables presented in the book have the properties of the Lo Shu square (that is, they contain numbers without zero, with different digits and each with the same number of digits across the number). These tables represent squares from the second to the eighth level of complexity.
According to A. Uarziaty, the entire world of numbers is in the sphere of the Divine Nine. The numbers in the tables reflect the frequencies of everything that exists in the Universe. The Nine symbolizes the Universe which belongs to the sphere of the TRINITY – 198: 1 – The Almighty, 9 – The Universe, 8 – Eternity.
In 2021, the tables were used to build 

a Temple not made by human hands in the form of seven lampstands

Изображение нерукотворного Храма, построенного из семи Божественных таблиц-светильников

Ancient calendars of different peoples as keepers of the keys and the Book

Evidence is given in the book that many of the ancient calendars (e.g., the calendars of the Maya, Slavs, Persians, Chinese, Kazakhs, etc.) were created at the same time and from a single source. In them the secret of the number keys as well as the special system for creating the seven sacred tables were kept for thousands of years. Each complete cycle of a calendar shows the three main keys when considering the digital roots of the dates. This is proven by some examples in the book.
A related video:

A crop circle in a field

The book was unveiled by the author in encrypted form in a crop circle in a field in England, bequeathed by an unearthly civilization in 2006. This crop circle represents an “open book of numbers” and served as a hint for humanity that the Book would be opened soon. The knowledge of the book was preserved only in the text of Revelation. Other sources about this prophecy have been lost as a result of a global cataclysm. 
A related video:

The „Fulcrum“ mechanism

The Fulcrum MechanismThe book also informs about the need to create a flying object based on the “fulcrum” mechanism that has already been mentioned by Archimedes. The civilization at the time of Archimedes has been perished due to a global cataclysm without having revealed this secret.
The mechanism enables to regulate the position of the Earth in the direction of the shifting magnetic field and thus significantly reduce the number and severity of natural disasters. But if the flying object isn’t created in time, the natural disasters continue to intensify until the Earth’s pole shift. 

Many books and articles have been written about the periodic rotations of the planet. More details can be found in the following sources:

Why is the Magnetic North Pole moving? (

Is Earth’s magnetic field flipping?  (When north goes south |

A related video: 

Scientific evidence: Earth Magnetic Pole Reversal is Now! Solution exists in the Revealed Book
A related article:

Catastrophic Consequences of a Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal Can Be Prevented Using the Fulcrum Mechanism

The theoretical development of the „Fulcrum“ mechanism was presented by A. Uarziati in 2016 and validated by a working group of the Military-Scientific Commission of the Krasnodar Military Aviation School of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation in June 2017. According to A. Uarziati, if the mechanism had been created, it would simultaneously have the characteristics of a helicopter, a fighter jet, and a submarine, possess phenomenal speed, and provide significant advantages in both air and water environments.

According to A. Uarziati  that creating of a experimental prototype would require no more than half the monthly salary of a Russian minister.  The project was blocked by a group of individuals, including the former First Deputy Minister of Defence, R. Tsalikov, and other high-ranking officials in power at the time. According to A. Uarziati, not one general dared to question the reason for the blockade. 

There are three original copies of the Military-Scientific Commission’s conclusion: one is by the working commission of the Krasnodar Military Aviation School, another is held by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the third remains with the developer of the model.

The last cataclysm in the ninth cycle, according to A. Uarziaty, is the most global one, capable of completely destroying civilization. However, if humanity manages to achieve a spiritual breakthrough, the cataclysm will not occur. Instead, the planet and its inhabitants will transition to new frequencies. According to the book, planets like Earth are the womb of the Universe, where souls are born and live through many lifetimes, experiencing both light and darkness, until the exam time and Judgment Day.

Not every civilization succeeds in opening the book with the seven lampstands. Our world, according to the author, has succeeded. Now, humanity faces its final test: to break free from the enslavement of the Satanists who have assumed to be the rulers of the world. However, A. Uarziaty believes that the real problem is not with them, but with humanity itself - its disunity, indifference, laziness, unwillingness to think with its own reason and its passivity when it comes to actions for unity. It is the level of consciousness that determines the power of the non-humans and the power of humanity.

Evidence of the Divine Origin of the Tables

The purpose of opening the book with the tables (lampstands) is to give mankind the obvious proof that they were not created by a human genius or a computer but are of Divine nature. For more than four thousand years ago, the first table has been known to our world from a Chinese legend about a tortoise. The Chinese themselves have denoted the main key 3-6-9 for centuries as the most significant digit combination. But neither they nor anyone else knew what this combination means and what properties it has, because the secret of the properties of the number keys and the special system had not yet been revealed until a certain time.
For many centuries, old sayings about three whales, three elephants, three Atlanteans and a dragon biting its own tail were remembered. But in all these centuries not a single person knew what they really mean. The secret was not found in any of the ancient sources, including the calendars, for they have been studied many times by different scientists. The unveiling of the tables happened exactly at the time prophesied in the holy scriptures. Both the book and the signs of the Last Days have been reported in advance, so that people can not only hear about it, but also understand that through the one who opens the book a guiding star is given to mankind to pass the exam and enter a new stage of development.
It must be emphasized that the book was not opened by a mathematician or a scientist, but by a simple, ordinary person  A. Uarziaty keeps repeating that he couldn’t unveil all these secrets alone, but only by following the instructions from Above. And that’s actually the case, because if you carefully look at the table structure and analyse the system, you will recognise the order and harmony of the numbers in the tables. It’s like touching the Absolute Pinnacle of the „Matrix“ of the Universe, the Eternity and the Divine.
Through this realization people will understand, that God (Almighty, Absolut) tells through the one who opened "His Book" what exactly needs to be done in this last time, what actions are necessary to get out of impasse and slavery and to save not only his own soul, but all of humanity.
A related video:
Watch the video - Five Miracles From Above
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