In 2019 a predicted book was revealed. Since then the exam for every soul and for the whole world has begun. Now the arrival of God’s Messenger is imminent. His coming will end the exam time and will open the Day of Judgment. Each one should wake up and help others around to wake up because the future of our world depends on the awakening and unification of the majority. Learn the information, read the book (it is for free) and take action!

Aug 27, 2023

Handbook "Formation of Unique Magic Squares"

The handbook will teach you how to form magic squares of two- and three-digit numbers.

In order to create magic squares from multi-digit numbers, one need to know the properties of the number keys and the special system for forming such squares. These secrets have been a mystery for thousand of years. But now they were revealed to us by a man called Aslan Uarziaty, the author of the handbook, more than three years ago. If you know both secrets, it’s not difficult to create magic squares on your own.

Especially now, when most people spend several hours a day on their cell phones or other electronic devices and are influeced by the media, the handbook can be very helpful. 


  1. Only numbers without zerowith different digits and the same number of digits can be contained in the table.
  2. The table should not contain numbers with the same set of digits (for example, if there is the number 25, then the table should not contain the number 52).
  3. A table is considered complete when it contains all non-repeating sets of digits. Among the two-digit numbers there are 36 such sets. Among the three-digit numbers there are 81 sets.
  4. The table must be formed strictly according to the key system.
  5. A table is not considered different if you rearrange its subsections or complete sections, rows in the subsections and if you synchronously rearrange the digits of the numbers.
  6. The sum of the horizontal and vertical rows of the base table should be the same. In the “magic square” the sum of the diagonal rows is also equal.
  7. The three main keys (1-4-72-5-83-6-9should NOT be in the same number.

Watch also an explanation  "Creation of Maqic Squares" by the author Aslan Uarziaty translated into English (with subtitles in 62 languages):

Creation of Maqic Squares

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