Corruptions in the texts and interpretations of the Bible
As already known, the texts of the Old and New Testaments were often edited. Some of the facts contained therein were intentionally distorted and subsequently accepted as the truth, even though they contradicted not only common sense, the Divine idea, but also the text of Holy Scripture.
Here is an example: Jesus never claimed that he was literally the "Son of God" or a "God". None of the verses that directly quote the words of Jesus support the concept of the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus if we exclude the interpretation of Paul and his disciples.
today is a product of the Council of Nicaea. In this Roman bishop’s conference,
the Trinity was canonized and many Gospels that did not correspond to the ideas
of the Roman Christian clergy were banned. Since then, this concept, adopted by
the Council of Nicaea, has dominated and even been imposed unconditionally. In
the modern Bible there are several corrupted verses about the divinity of Jesus
that contradict the Old Testament and even most of the Gospels accepted by the
Roman clergy in the first centuries of our era. Issac Newton wrote about this
in 1690 in his theological-historical treatise entitled "An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptionsof Scripture", published in 1754.
The treatise is a overview of all
ancient texts on the concept of the “Trinity of God” and the divinity of Jesus
that were available to Newton. He showed that two Bible passages (1 John 5:7 and 1 Timothy 3:16) were pious corruptions inserted into the Holy
Scriptures and came to the following conclusion: “From these examples it is
clear that the Holy Scripture was greatly corrupted in the first centuries and
especially in the fourth century.” He thus questioned the concept of the “Trinity
of God”. Newton said that the priests and bishops of the church who worshiped
Christ instead of God were practicing idolatry. He himself did not see Jesus as
God, but as a mediator between God and people. “We should not pray to two gods”
(The information comes from the Wikipedia article: An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture).
It should be admitted that there are many falsifications, even if you only consider the official version of the
history of the inclusion of various texts in the biblical canon that can betraced back to the Vatican. The concept of the Trinity contradicts the beliefs
of most Christians. The Christians believe that the Gospel of Matthew (28:19), the Gospel of John (1:1) and some other verses clearly lay the foundation for
the doctrine of the Trinity. However, the New Catholic Encyclopedia (Vol. 14, p. 306) admits that
the doctrine of the Trinity does not exist in the Old Testament and it was not
formulated until three centuries after the life of Jesus.
Hugh Parry Owen, former Professor of
Christian Doctrine at King’s College, University of London, writes: “… at the
beginning of its existence, the Church formulated the doctrine of the
incarnation. The two most important events here are the Council of Nicaea in325 and the Council of Chalcedon in 451. For centuries Christology has been
determined, directly or indirectly, by the formulas from which these two
councils emerged. Accordingly, the Council of Nicaea left no doubt in Orthodox
circles that Christ was a divine being”. (Christian Theism, Huw Parri Owen,Edinburgh, 1984, p. 38-39).
Mission and role of Saint Paul in the New Testament
Who really was the most quoted and well-known apostle Paul?
It was Paul
who brought the doctrine into being that Jesus was a divine human person who
came from heaven to earth and suffered sacrificial death with the sole purpose
of saving humanity. "We must remember that the text of the New Testament as it
has come down to us, was much more influenced by Paul’s views than it first
appears". (Hyam Maccoby: "The Mythmaker:Paul and the Invention of Christianity", San Francisco, 1986, p. 12)
Paul (Saul) was not a direct
disciple of Jesus. Before he accepted "Christianity", he was an enemy of
Christians. He destroyed churches and arrested people who converted to
Christianity (Acts 8 and 22:4-10). He claimed
to have been chosen by Jesus as a missionary and representative (Acts 26:16-19). He laid the foundation for the doctrine of the
Trinity, created the story of Jesus’ sacrifice for the redemption of humanity, “nailed the charge of our legal
indebtedness to the cross” (Colossians 2:4) and thereby contradicted Jesus (Matthew 19:16-19). For this reason, Paul had heated
arguments with Peter (Cephas) and Barnabas (Acts 15:36-41; Galatians 2:11-14; 4:10-14). The apostles did not trust him and fled from
him (Acts 9:26).
"The Mythmaker" gives a lot of
important information about the early followers of Jesus. They were
categorically against Paul and his doctrine. They were led by such disciples of
Jesus as James and Peter, who were more familiar with Jesus and his ideas than
Paul, who only encountered Jesus in dreams and visions. The apostles and early
followers of Jesus were not called Christians but Nazarenes. This original name
can be found in the New Testament (Acts 24:5).
Interestingly, the terms "Christians" and "Christianity" were invented decades
after Jesus’ life in Antioch (Acts 11:26).
Aslan Uarziaty about the "grains" and the "tares" in the Holy Scriptures
According to Aslan Uarziaty, author
of the book "A message", the Bible contains two
doctrines – the doctrine of darkness and the doctrine of light. How can you
recognize them? How do you learn to separate the grains from the tares? It’s
important to absorb information with your mind by analysing everything with
your logic and listening to your conscience that is the voice of God in each of
us. This way you can learn to see and understand what is true in the Holy Scriptures
and what has been added or corrupted.
For example, A. Uarziaty responded
to a subscriber’s question about whether God could command "to take vengeance" and "to rob and kill all the people and keep the girls who has never slept with
a man as slaves" (Numbers 31) with the counter question: "What will your
conscience answer you?". "Everyone must learn to draw their OWN conclusion and
listen to the voice of the Almighty – conscience, because not those who wrote
lies in the Scriptures will answer for you on the Day of Judgment, but each for
Christianity was connected with the ancient
Orthodoxy and the made-up name "Christ" (Cross) to the name Jesus. A Russian proverb
says: "to put a cross on someone/something" which means "to lose faith in someone or something; to stop thinking of someone or something; to give someone up for lost; to give something up as a hopeless case" (M.I. Dubrovin "A Book of Russian Idioms Illustrated", Moscow, 1987, p. 225). Millions
of people died under the sign of the cross. Many place crosses on graves, over
churches, in churches and hang crosses around their necks. They pray to a
wooden idol with a crucifix on a cross with an extended base, which is a symbol
of the victory of darkness over light. They have been told that Jesus is a god
and they believe that, without realizing that the Bible says you cannot have
two gods (Exodus 20:1-3). They were told, “Pray to images and a wooden
cross”, and they pray without thinking that the Holy Scriptures say one should
not worship idols (Leviticus 26:1). So they don’t take seriously the news of the
prophecy that has come true – of the opened book, which according to "Revelation" is opened by "a lamb as if it has been slain". Many people are too
lazy to think with their own heads, ask questions and analyse, because it is
more convenient to believe everything they are told and follow the instructions
of the authority. God gave the command to awaken the people with the message
of His Gift for unification, to end military conflicts between peoples and to
Search in the Bible for answers using only your OWN opinion by asking yourself questions and analysing each sentence, thereby listening to the voice of the Almighty, your conscience. Then you will see that the Bible contains both the doctrine of darkness and the doctrine of light. There is a Bible of truth and a Bible of additions and corruptions. And that in one and the same book. One should be able to see both books in one Bible. This applies not only to the Bible, but to everything in general. The Bible itself has nothing to do with Jews or Christians if you look at it without "tares". If you remove the tares from all the scriptures of different religions, you get one book for all …” (comments of Aslan Uarziaty (under his videos)).
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