Scientific Facts of the Approaching Geomagnetic Reversal. Warnings in the Ancient Torah. Chance for Salvation in the Prophetic Revealed Book

Douglas Vogt on the cyclicity of geomagnetic inversions

Douglas B. Vogt (1947–2023) was a science writer, researcher, and member of the Geological Society of America. He studied the causes of geomagnetic reversals and ice ages since 1971. In 1994, he discovered the precise number of years between geomagnetic reversals: 12,068. Remarkably, this number was also found encoded in the Torah

D. Vogt's scientific discoveries and analyses of ancient Torah texts

The next question the scientist asked was: How did a man from the late Bronze Age know the exact number of years between geomagnetic reversals? D. Vogt discovered that Moses used ten code systems when writing the surface story of the Torah. Moses did not invent the symbols, as he clearly states in Exodus 32:16: "The tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God." This implies that Moses did not create the symbols (letters) himself, but only used the design of the 22 symbols on the tablets as an alphabet, assigning them sound values and arranging 304,805 symbols to tell the entire story. He had to develop ten code systems to achieve this. Two of these code systems would have been impossible to discover unless approached through the lens of scientific understanding. This information is further explained in "Moses and The Ten Code System", 2015

After eight years of research and testing, Douglas B. Vogt discovered that the Hebrew alphabet is derived from 22 views of a waveform, specifically a modified square wave. This waveform is superimposed on a toroidal shape, representing how a carbon atom modulates into this dimension. This part of his research is detailed in the book "Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet", 2016

Analysing the symbols of the ancient Torah

The important part of this research is that the system that created these symbols must have had the same information philosophy of existence as it was explained in the Theory of Multidimensional Reality or else D. Vogt could not have discovered its origin. 

The Theory of Multidimensional Reality is a purely informational theory of existence. It posits that matter is not the dominant force in our Universe; rather, information is what creates our material world. This book is the culmination of 46 years of study, resulting in logical explanations for some of the most challenging phenomena known. This is the third iteration of the theory. The author first presented the theory in his 1977 book Reality Revealed: The Theory of Multidimensional Reality. He further refined it in the 2007 book God’s Day of Judgment: The Real Cause of Global Warming. In that book, the theory was used to explain the causes of geomagnetic reversals (polar reversals) and why they precede ice ages. It also details the exact number of years between reversals, based on the discovery of a universal clock cycle that triggers geomagnetic reversals. The theory provides explanations for even the most difficult phenomena using the same philosophical framework

The dual behaviour of light

The theory posits that hundreds or thousands of separate frequencies form each atom. These frequencies are transmitted on a carrier wave that pulses at a common frequency, which can be assumed to be Planck’s time. An Italian team at EPFL, led by Fabrizio Carbone, captured the first-ever snapshot of the dual behavior of light. It was observed that, regardless of changes in color frequency, all frequencies pulse at the same rate. The Theory of Multidimensional Reality successfully explains what light is and why it exhibits both wave and particle properties.

As the scientist delved deeper into the analysis of the Torah, he discovered another coding system within it, which revealed and proved to him the existence of God. In one of his video lectures, he suggested that atheists understand God as the "operational synchronizing system of our Universe and everything within it."

The author also discovered the same 12,068-year cycle in the sunspot cycles. A sunspot cycle lasts 11.09 years, and eight of them form what is called a Gleissberg cycle, which equals 88.732 years. A total of 136 Gleissberg cycles amount to 12,068 years. The sunspot cycle is a resynchronizing frequency, while the Gleissberg cycle is a synchronizing frequency, aligned with the main clock cycle. In 2004, the scientific journal Nature published an article titled "Unusual activity of the Sun during recent decades compared to the previous 11,000 years" which also supports the theory of solar activity cycles occurring approximately every 12,000 years.

In 2007, the book The Theory of Multidimensional Reality, Second Edition explained what causes geomagnetic reversals and why they correspond to ice ages. D. Vogt presented evidence from scientific journals showing six reversals and ice ages dated by C14 to a 12,000-year repeating cycle. He discovered the clock cycle in three different ways, making it difficult to disprove.

The shocking news for all of us is that

our civilization has approximately 20 years left 

until the end of the 12,000-year cycle!

What happens at the end of the 12,000-year cycle?

The cycle of geomagnetic reversals that the Earth is now experiencing has been described not only by D. Vogt but also by various researchers in numerous scientific works and books, including those by V.V. Bubenko, I.P. Kopylov, V.V. Bushuev, N.V. Petrov, B. Davidson, A.M. Baturin, G. Hartmut, and S. Hemming.

The aforementioned researchers have established that every 12,000 years, as is happening in our time, there is an increase in solar activity, a weakening of the Earth's magnetic field, and a drift of the magnetic poles. Simultaneously, there are strong earthquakes, sharp rises in sea levels leading to numerous floods, powerful volcanic eruptions, intensified winds and hurricanes, and sudden temperature fluctuations. Each time during pole drifts, the Earth's magnetic field weakened by 8-10 times, which led to an increase in cosmic radiation and climate changes. 

Hartmut Heinrich, a German marine geologist and climatologist, studying sediment deposits from seas, lakes, and rivers, discovered that temperatures initially increased by 8-10 degrees Celsius, followed by a sharp glaciation. Professor Sidney Hemming confirmed that such fluctuations occur every 12,000 years.

Is there a chance to save civilization? Yes!

Aslan Uarziaty
Hints were given to various peoples in the texts of sacred scriptures in the form of references to the "end times." Information was passed down to us from previous civilizations in the form of messages encoded in ancient calendars, ancient drawings, and so on. In the "Revelation of John the Theologian," there is mention of a certain book with seven lampstands. A year before his death, Douglas Vogt received information in dreams that he shared in one of his video lectures. The scientist did not understand the connection between the phrase "God's chandelier," which he heard in his dream, with the ancient Jewish symbol of the menorah, a seven-branched lampstand, and the Christian seven lamps from the Apocalypse. Instead, he interpreted it as an indication of an increase in occurrences of the aurora borealis in southern latitudes.

So, the book was revealed in 2019 through Aslan Uarziata. It is freely accessible. It’s necessary to read it, verify it with your own mind, heart, and conscience, and determine whether it is indeed the book mentioned in "Revelation." The book contains evidence of how the ancient message was decoded, as well as detailed instructions on what needs to be done in the end times, why there is a cyclical nature, and what must be done to save not only your soul but also civilization.

The book also mentions the upcoming shift of the magnetic poles and reveals the mechanism of the "fulcrum," which will allow the planet to be smoothly guided into a new position, following the magnetic field. This mechanism was proposed a few years ago for review by a scientific commission and was confirmed by it. However, as soon as the discovery became known in high-ranking Russian government circles, the project for the experimental installation was abruptly blocked, and the author of the discovery was nearly killed. Yet, only the "fulcrum" installation can save our civilization from the inevitable catastrophe resulting from the pole shift. But the creation of this requires the unification of nations and countries.

Share this information on social media, write letters to scientists, politicians, journalists, and bloggers. These small actions are needed from each person right now. Humanity has very little time left for reflection and hesitation. Listen in more detail in the video below to Douglas Vogt's account of what could happen as a result of another powerful solar flare, which will only intensify as the event approaches. The interview with him was recorded in 2022. He accurately predicted the increase in Carrington events (unusual auroras in southern latitudes that have been occurring more and more frequently since May 2024). Solar flares could disable equipment, and then it will be too late to attempt anything for our salvation.

The understanding of God's role in people's lives and the concept of "God's will" in what is happening has been distorted by various religions and reduced to submission, obedience, servility, passive prayers, and hopes for salvation. But the purpose of our existence on Earth is to mature in our consciousness to the point of making independent decisions, taking action, and accepting personal responsibility for our fate and future. The helping hand from above has been extended—it's up to people to take action themselves. This, according to Aslan Uarziata, is the message of the final book for our civilization. 

More information is in the following video:

Scientific evidence: Earth Magnetic Pole Reversal is Now! Solution exists in the Revealed Book

The book "A Message" can be read online for free:


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